Lundgren gives out some plot details in an interview

Possible Spoiler - We finally put our hands on a reliable Japanese article that confirms the interview Lundgren gave to the magazine Eiga Hiho. A link to the article was retweeted by Eiga Hiho themselves which confirms its authenticity.

Here's the snapshot of the tweet:


I asked one of my Japanese friends to translate the article and here it goes:

"While a sequel to "The Expendables" in which Sylvester Stallone is the leading actor and action movie fans are eagerly looking forward to seeing has begun filming, Dolph Lundgren who is part of the cast visited Japan and talked about the details in an interview with the movie magazine, “Eiga Hiho” for their January issue.

While Dolph Lundgren appears in an uncountable action movies in the U.S., he is also a Shin-Kyokushin karate fighter. He came to Japan for a special demonstration in a show at the world Karate Championships held in Tokyo in October. Mr. Ginti Kobayashi, who is the representative of the movie magazine, "Eiga Hiho" had an interview with Dolph under the cooperation of Shin-Kyokushin. Dolph talked about his career as well as the details of a sequel to "The Expendables" in the interview while he was watching the Karate tournament at the Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium.

Among the things to note, he said that there is a scene where Chuck Norris, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bruce Willis appear together.
He revealed that the scene between those three in the sequel is comparable to the scene in the 1st movie where Schwarzenegger, Willis and Stallone appeared together and drew fans attention.

Just hearing this news, action movie fans may be so excited. But furthermore, Dolph Lundgren disclosed valuable information such as his own and Jean-Claude Van Damme’s role, and about the opening scene of the movie. Since Stallone stated that he is collecting
more action stars than the previous movie, so you can expect further surprises. How will the new miracle scene where 3 movie stars appear together be directed by director Simon West? The film is scheduled for a public release in August 2012 in the U.S. I’m looking forward to hearing the news to be published in Japan.

(by Koichi Irikura, Editorial staff)"

Now we know for sure that an interview was given in Japan where Lundgren gave out details about the plot. The interview is scheduled to be published in Jan 2012, so we can assume that by then we'll see more official news on the plot.

Further, the site admin of the fan site Ultimate Dolph has confirmed that Lundgren will be going to China...

A big thanks to my friend Elrey for finding the article and Ichiro for the translation.